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Will Nelson   Mar 06, 2024

Pistol shooting, also known as handgun shooting, is the art and skill of accurately shooting a handgun at a target. Whether for self-defense, competitive shooting, or recreational purposes, mastering the fundamentals of pistol shooting is crucial for improving accuracy and consistency. Here are the key fundamentals to consider:

  1. Grip: A proper grip is essential for controlling recoil and maintaining a consistent aim. Grasp the pistol firmly with your dominant hand, making sure the web between your thumb and index finger is high on the backstrap. Wrap your non-dominant hand around the fingers of your dominant hand, ensuring both thumbs point forward. The grip should be firm but not excessively tight.
  2. Stance: Your stance provides a stable platform for shooting. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, perpendicular to the target, and slightly bent at the knees. Distribute your weight evenly between both feet, maintaining balance and stability. The upper body should be relaxed but not slouched.
  3. Sight Alignment: Proper sight alignment involves aligning the front and rear sights of the pistol with the target. The front sight post should be centered within the rear sight notch, with equal space on either side. The top of the front sight post should be level with the top of the rear sight.
  4. Sight Picture: Sight picture refers to the relationship between the aligned sights and the target. While maintaining proper sight alignment, focus your vision on the front sight post, and keep the target and rear sight slightly blurred. The front sight post should be clear and in sharp focus.
  5. Trigger Control: Developing good trigger control is crucial for achieving accuracy. Place the pad of your index finger smoothly and steadily on the trigger, applying even pressure straight back. Avoid jerking or slapping the trigger, as it can cause the pistol to move off target. Maintain focus on the front sight while squeezing the trigger.
  6. Breathing Control: Controlling your breathing helps stabilize your body and minimize movement while shooting. Take a deep breath, exhale halfway, and then hold your breath momentarily as you align the sights and press the trigger. This technique, known as the respiratory pause, can help you maintain steadiness and consistency.
  7. Follow-Through: Follow-through involves maintaining focus on the front sight and target after the shot has been fired. Avoid anticipating the recoil or quickly lowering the pistol. Instead, keep the sights aligned and the trigger pressed to the rear until the recoil settles and the sights realign with the target.

Remember that consistent practice, proper safety measures, and adherence to local laws and regulations are crucial when engaging in pistol shooting. It is recommended to seek professional instruction and guidance to ensure safe and effective training.
